Session C3 – IGF Japan: Risk management in the era of cloud computing

Date: 19 July 2012 (Thursday)

Time: 14:30 – 16:00

Venue: Room 17603, 6th Floor, Building No.17, Aoyama Campus, Aoyama Gakuin University

Today, the cloud computing has become so common as a synonymous with Internet services.  A wealth of services are delivered and widely utilized in diverse ways.

The interlinked environment intrinsic to the cloud services enables anyone to use the services without being conscious of them.  In this session, it is discussed that how the cloud service infrastructure is protected, the issues faced by the cloud environment for stable use including data protection and security measures, and risk management required toward future development from the perspective of the service provider and the user.


Moderator – Tsuyoshi Kinoshita, Cisco Systems G.K.

Presentation and Panelists –

  • Yukio Endo, Assistant General Manager, Platform Systems Division, NEC BIGLOBE Ltd.
  • Kunihiro Tanaka, Sakura Internet
  • Takaya Ueno, Department Manager, Cloud Business Department, Cloud Business Division, Nifty Corporation
  • Ken Higuchi, General Manager, Solution Division, Infosec Corporation