Session B5 – Cyber Security Challenges and Solutions for Asia

Date: 20 July 2012 (Friday)

Time: 14:30 – 16:00

Venue: Room 17606, 6th Floor, Building No.17, Aoyama Campus, Aoyama Gakuin University

The unprecedented expansion of cyberspace has brought growth and prosperity to the global economy.  The annual global economic benefits of the commercial Internet come to over 1.4 trillion dollars.  However, the growth of cyberspace has also presented unfriendly governments and criminal elements with new tools and opportunities for threatening security.  Cyberspace will continue to advance if interoperability, openness, stability, and risk-based security measures guide its development.  But this requires a policy environment that can assure security while maintaining the overall economic benefits of cyberspace.  The panel will discuss how governments and industry can work better together to protect cyberspace in Asia, with reference to implementing global standards, learning from best practices and building risk management into daily operations.


Moderator:  Professor Jim Foster, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University

Introductions (7 minutes)

Keynote: Koichiro Komiyama, JPCERT/CC  (20 minutes)

Panelists  (8 minutes each)

Dr. Jason Nye, Director for Research, Avascent International

Jun Takei, Director, Global Public Policy, Intel Japan

Masakazu Takahashi, Chief Security Advisor, Microsoft Japan

Suguru Yamaguchi, Professor, Nara Advanced Institute for Science and Technology

Takashi Yuguchi, Director, Customer Services Division, NTT Communications

Seow Hiong GohExecutive Director, Global Policy & Government Affairs, Asia Pacific Cisco Systems

Q and A (15 minutes)